Kō ahau, kō mātou, kō tātou
Empowering our learning community to connect, grow, flourish
What is a Kāhui Ako?
A Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako is a group of education and training providers working together to help learners achieve their full potential. These include:
early childhood education services me ngā kōhanga reo (early learning services)
schools and kura
Each Community of Learning sets shared goals or achievement challenges based on the identified needs of its learners. An action plan is developed identifying how the Community of Learning will achieve its goals.
What is the role of the Community of Learning Leader?
The role of the Community of Learning leader is to:
provide leadership in building productive collaboration in the Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako
facilitate the ongoing development and implementation of the Community of Learning achievement plan
support the professional growth of Community of Learning principals and teachers
provide leadership in the use of professional expertise across schools to meet the Community of Learning achievement challenges.
As well as modelling highly effective practice in their own school, the Community of Learning leader facilitates collaborative, professional activities across their Community of Learning. They take a lead role in planning, coordinating and facilitating the work of the Community of Learning as a whole, as well as the across schools and within school teacher roles.
What is the role of the Across School Teachers?
The purpose of the across schools teacher role is to support improvement in student achievement and well-being by strengthening teaching and leadership practices.
This role allows teachers to use their skills and knowledge in new ways across their Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako. Teachers learn with and from their colleagues in cycles of inquiry and improvement. Teachers are also given time and support to develop and encourage the sharing of effective practices that improve educational achievement.
Students will benefit from the professional collaboration as teachers share knowledge, skills and practices from across the Community of Learning.
What is the role of the Within School Teachers?
The purpose of the within school teacher is to promote best teaching practice and strengthen the use of an inquiry approach to teaching and learning, in order to achieve the shared achievement challenges.
The role provides a dedicated point of reference for teachers as they address problems of practice in order to lift student achievement.
Within school teachers draw on a range of professional resources and adapt what they do to meet students’ needs and strengths. They work with other teachers (including those from other members of their Community of Learning) to help identify and respond to challenges in practice, and support the Community of Learning’s objectives.