Term 3 PLD Opportunities
Week 5 PLD Week | Te Hū o Kākāpōtahi Kāhui Ako
Join us for another Kāhui PLD Week in Week 5, focused on collaborative practice and learning pathways across our kāhui. We are offering three different workshops, all hosted at Darfield High School in Horoeka Rima (E5). The after-school sessions will start with coffee and kai at 3.30pm, with kick off at 3.45pm. Note that the Wednesday workshop begins at 2pm.
Please RSVP by completing the google form and checking the box of any sessions you wish to attend. Otherwise, select 'Next'.
Contact Jane and Mallory with any pātai:
Literacy rōpū When: Monday 19 August, 3.30-5pm
This session will build on our mahi from last term's hui and begin our exploration of literacy across our kāhui. We'll examine why literacy is so valuable and start developing a shared understanding of current practices in our primary and secondary schools. These discussions will help us co-construct a cohesive literacy pathway for our kāhui. We encourage all primary and secondary teachers who have a passion for literacy or lead it in their kura to attend.
Digital Fluency Rōpū When: Tuesday 20 August, 3.30-5pm.
This session will build on the mahi that ImpactEd have facilitated over the last 18 months in developing a kāhui-wide Digital Technology Framework. We'll be exploring how we can introduce the new, completed framework to other kaiako, making it accessible and relevant. We invite any past members of our digital rōpū to attend, as well as all kaiako who are passionate about digital technology.
Assessment for Learning Rōpū When: Wednesday 21 August, 2pm-3.30pm
This workshop will focus on assessment for learning, with an initial emphasis on literacy. While our goal is to build a shared understanding of curriculum levels, assessment practices, and to ensure continuity of learning for ākonga in Te Hū o Kākāpōtahi, this introductory hui will bring together key people to plan out how to achieve this. It's about collaboration, so be ready to contribute your ideas. This session is intended for primary and secondary DPs, learning area/curriculum leads, and literacy leads.
Term 2 PLD Wiki 2024
We are thrilled to announce some exciting PLD opportunities scheduled for Week 5 of this term, running between the 27th and the 31st of May. These sessions include a tikanga Māori forum, a workshop on building powerful partnerships around literacy, and various sessions that will focus on utilising digital tools with ākonga.
Please sign up via the Google Form emailed out or email for more information.
Te ao Māori forum:
Want to grow more confident around tikanga Māori but feeling whakamā? Scared of getting things wrong? Come along to this forum session, where you will have an opportunity to ask questions regarding mihi, te reo, tikanga, waiata, or mātauraka Māori in a safe and supportive environment. This session will be facilitated by Liz Hill-Taiaroa, Kaihaitū/General Manager of Kōia te Mātauraka, a jointly owned rūnanga company delivering on Te Rautaki Mātauranga–the Ngāi Tahu Education Strategy. As a previous teacher herself, Liz is committed to empowering kaiako so that ākonga Māori may thrive and achieve success as Māori.
When: Wednesday 29 May, 3:30pm
Where: Darfield High School, E5
Powerful Partnerships: Literacy
This session is an opportunity for primary and secondary kaiako to get together and collaborate around literacy. Our hope is that this will become a group that meets together regularly to support one another, share resources, and take a kāhui-wide approach with literacy and literacy assessment. Over time, we hope to explore learning progressions, and build a shared understanding of where ākonga are coming from and where they’re heading in their literacy journey. This initial session will revolve around whanaungatanga and establishing a vision about what kaiako would like to achieve with this group. We encourage all primary and secondary teachers who are either leading literacy in their kura or are simply passionate about it to attend.
When: Monday 27 May, 3:30pm
Where: Darfield High School, E4
Canterbury Kāhui Ako Digital Project workshops
These sessions will run thanks to the Canterbury Kāhui Ako Digital Project. A key aspect of the Canterbury Kāhui Ako Digital Project is supporting kaiako to build their own capability using digital technologies to then apply with ākonga.
Based on kaiako feedback, the Canterbury Kāhui Ako Digital Project team will be holding the workshops listed below in Week 5 of Term 2 (Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th and Thursday 30th May).
Each session is from 3.30-5 pm and will be held in E5 at Darfield High School (except Movie Making with Chromebooks which will be held in E4).
You can opt into any or all workshops - please ensure you have checked the device requirements for each workshop.
Capturing student voice with Book Creator
Book Creator is a great tool for students to document their progress through the design process and capture student voice at the same time. It is user friendly for all ages and there is no need for students to have email addresses to access and create content.
This hands-on workshop will explore the tools available within Book Creator and how they can be applied within the classroom and/or whilst carrying out project based learning. Options for integrating other apps will also be covered, along with how to share ākonga work with whānau.
If you already have a Book Creator account, great! If not, don't worry, we will create one on the day. Please bring your own device to use with Book Creator.
When: Monday 27 May, 3:30pm
Where: Darfield High School, E5
Movie making and animation with iPad
Lights, camera, action!
This workshop is designed to empower you with the tools and techniques needed to inspire your students in the world of filmmaking and animation, harnessing the power of iPads as a versatile and accessible medium. During this interactive session, we will showcase how iPads can serve as powerful tools for visual storytelling and creativity. From planning and storyboarding to filming and editing, you will learn step-by-step how to facilitate your students' movie making journey.
PLEASE NOTE: This workshop will run at the same time as Movie Making with Chromebooks. You will need to bring your own charged iPad with the ability to install free apps.
When: Tuesday 28 May, 3:30pm
Where: Darfield High School, E5
Movie making with Chromebooks
Lights, camera, Chromebook!
This hands-on session aims to empower you with the tools and techniques to inspire your students in the captivating world of filmmaking and animation, harnessing the power of Chromebooks as a versatile and accessible medium. During this interactive session, we will explore the exciting realm of movie making and animation, showcasing how Chromebooks can serve as powerful tools for visual storytelling and creativity. From planning and storyboarding to filming and editing, you will learn step-by-step how to facilitate your students' journey into the world of filmmaking and animation.
PLEASE NOTE: This workshop will run at the same time as Movie Making and Animation with iPads. You will need to bring your own charged Chromebook with the ability to install extensions.
When: Tuesday 28 May, 3:30pm
Where: Darfield High School, E4
Unleashing creativity with Canva: Empowering Educators
This hands-on workshop will unlock the full potential of Canva, the user-friendly graphic design tool that can elevate your teaching materials and empower your students' creativity.
In this immersive session, we will explore the diverse features and functionalities of Canva, designed to ignite your creativity and streamline your design process. From creating stunning presentations to crafting eye-catching posters, you will discover how to design engaging and professional-looking visual content that resonates with your students and enhances their learning experience.
You will need to bring your own charged device. You can sign up for your free Canva account at - Canva is free for teachers, just follow the verification steps under the Education tab.
When: Thursday 30 May, 3:30pm
Where: Darfield High School, E5
ToD April 2023
Resources from the different professional learning rōpū and activities.
2023 Matihiko Challenge Information Session
Presentation from our Information Session held at Glentunnel School on 14 March.