Ko ahau, ko mātou, ko tātou
Empowering our learning community to connect, grow, flourish
Te Hū o Kākāpōtahi Kāhui Ako - Malvern Community of Learning
Our vision is to enrich the learning journeys of all our community, from ECE to secondary school and beyond.
To do this, our kāhui ako will work effectively together to ensure ākonga are at the centre and experience a sense of belonging in Malvern, reflected in what and how they learn.
Ko ahau, ko mātou, ko tātou
Empowering our learning community to connect, grow, and flourish.
Our Vision
To strengthen each learning providers’ ability to ensure that every child can reach their potential in Malvern.
"The takiwa (area) of Te Taumutu Rūnanga centres on Taumutu and the waters of Waihora and adjoining lands..."

Cultural Narrative
This report was prepared on behalf of Te Taumutu Rūnanga with the expectation that it will aid in kura engagement with Te Ao Māori, as well as the whakapapa and cultural history of their wider environment.